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Comenius Project 2009-2011

.: SUMMARY    

The project will help the children to know and discover the European cultures through direct relation with pupils from other countries comparing their experience with the experience of the other partners from project. Project follows the promoting of European intercultural educations: the pupils will respect it, will understand it , will cooperate and will promote national values in European context.

The pupils will contact each other to take detailed information about partners' culture. According to these values, they will recognize how social and cultural activities important on improving their education.
The main focus will be on comparing the traditions, nature beauties, architectural arts, music, crafts, gastronomy, legends, elements of civilization specific to every country.

After participating in the project, the pupils should be aware of the fact that the facing challenges and demands of globalization can only be dealt with by life-long learning.

This project follows to increase awareness of European cultural diversity by identifying important elements of each person's culture of origin.

It offers to the pupils the possibility to explore examples of inter/multicultural communication.
A further aim of the cooperation during the project is to offer to the pupils the chance to work together at the different cultural projects, to enhance knowledge of European citizenship by participation in 'active citizenship', looking at 'good/best practice' whilst motivating them to develop common activities in European citizenship.

We hope that this project will increase integrity of differences of different cultures. We as teachers wish to communicate and share opinions with partners to provide the best help to students.




Ed. Fields

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Fondo Social Europeo

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